My Nonprofit Reviews

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1 reviews

Review for Saving Orphans through Healthcare and Outreach, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Rating: 5 stars  

I am an active donor for SOHO and fully believe they are working to make a difference in the world. They are a great organization and are filled with caring individuals. SOHO is a great organization to feel a part of.

I've personally experienced the results of this organization in...

Feeling great about being part of something bigger than me.

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

This organization is running great. I live in Cincinnati and would like to see events in another large city.

Was your donation impactful?


How likely is it that you would recommend that a friend donate to this group?


How likely are you to donate to this group again?


What specific problem, purpose, priority, or project prompted your gift?

There are so many children struggling to gain the basics of a good future, education. Education is something no one can ever take away. No matter what hardships you are faced with. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be educated.

Why did you make your donation at this time?

To help orphans gain an education

What would you tell others about this organization?

This organization is a great opportunity to help young people have a sense of accomplishment in their life.

When was your last experience with this nonprofit?


Role:  Donor & I donoated funds to the organization.